The solemn feast of the Nativity of Our Lord is again upon us, and this year was supposed to be my second as pastor of Nativity of Our Lord. But instead, I along with Fr. Bill Duffert came down sick just beforehand, which caused us both to miss every last one of the Christmas liturgies of 2023.
There’s rich irony in the pastor of a church called Nativity missing Christmas liturgies in his first year on the job, no doubt. But as a believing Catholic Christian, I’m inclined to look for God’s hand moving amidst the seemingly random occurrences in our lives, and perhaps especially when they collide with important and meaningful events in spectacular fashion.
It can be an imprecise science, but that’s part of the fun: if God wanted us to know exactly what he was up to at all times in all places, he’d be more explicit in communicating such things.
Instead, he leaves much of our lives — spiritual and otherwise — open to interpretation, ideally in prayerful discernment. And if you’ve paid close attention to my first year and a half on the job here, you’ll know I am a big fan of prayerful discernment!
Just two short weeks ago I preached at each of the Lord’s Day Masses to share my vision for a new mission for the parish, as a response to the suggestions of One Nativity 2035, parish staff, the pastoral council and other valued lay leaders.
The new mission is three-fold, aligning with the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas and centering upon, fittingly, the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord itself:
1.) Prepare the way of Our Lord,
2.) Celebrate “God With Us,” and
3.) Shine with the Light of Christ.
I’ve said it before: this parish knows how to party —perhaps thanks to a special charism given by God to a parish named after his son’s birthday! It’s also clear to me that there’s more to be uncovered in that gift, and in particular for us to better receive the gift of Our Lord himself he wants to give us this and every Christmas.
So let us take full advantage of these precious last couple of days to prepare the way for his coming, so that we can fully celebrate in his name and for his greater glory.
If you haven’t yet received the sacrament of Reconciliation this Advent season, there are two extra opportunities this Monday evening and Tuesday morning.
Then, join us in worship Tuesday or Wednesday as we celebrate our patronal feast day together — for the first time! (Click here for all the details.)
With joyful anticipation, Fr. Rolf Tollefson, Pastor of Nativity of Our Lord