Lent is here and it's time to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice through fasting, prayer, and reconciling with the Lord. May your Lenten journey be blessed with healing and a deeper relationship with Christ.
Lent is a time of almsgiving, and I want to thank you for your support of Nativity of Our Lord’s own St. Vincent De Paul Society. Several weeks ago, Deacon Don Tienter spoke at all Lord’s Day Masses about SVdPS’s mission of extending care to those in need in our own Mac-Groveland community.
In SVdPS tradition, our volunteers go two-by-two to the homes of people seeking help, treating each person with respect and dignity. Depending on need, the team might help purchase food or meet other emergency needs. In a generous second collection several weeks ago, our parishioners gave $5,826.96 to the SVdPS Nativity Conference. Thank you for your support of this compassionate ministry.
Finally, the Annual Men’s Club Raffle is nearly here! This year, 18 prizes will be awarded between May and October. Each month, the Men’s Club awards one $500 prize, one $200 prize, and one $100 prize. Proceeds from the raffle help fund the School, the Nativity Early Learning Center (NELC), and other programs benefiting the children of Nativity parish.
In the next few weeks, the Men’s Club will use automated calls to remind parishioners of the raffle, and will mail tickets towards the end of March. You may choose to enter the raffle as many times as you like. To request tickets or opt out of the automated calls, please visit
the Men's Club website or call Pat Midden at (651) 492-3589. Men’s Club thanks you for supporting the children of Nativity parish.
May God be with you and your family as you begin your Lenten journey.
A previous version of this article was published in the March 3 parish bulletin.