A seemingly short seven years ago, I responded to a call to teach Nativity’s youth in our vibrant Wednesday night Faith Formation program. I am so grateful I had the courage to say, “yes” to God, and I jumped in with an open heart. Each year, my knowledge of our Catholic faith has exponentially grown teaching the 1st graders, as they ask the most basic—yet persisting—questions, which continually challenged me to look deeper.
I have been so blessed to have had this joy and the special graces received from being a teacher, whilst sharing this role alongside other faithful catechists and intelligent seminarians. Now God has called me to a new phase in life as my cancer slowly progresses. Therefore, we are currently seeking someone to prayerfully consider taking up the role of teaching 1st grade. Additionally, our program would benefit overall from an increase in catechists, to plant the seeds of Christ for the next generation of Catholics.
Fear not, as I will gladly mentor the new 1st grade teacher for the first few months to share creative materials, successful classroom strategies, and fun traditions. I will also substitute as my health allows, as we hope this new 1st grade teacher to dedicate a few years of service.
Allow these words of St. Teresa to guide your discernment...
“It’s God’s work. I’m just a pencil in God’s Hand.”
—St. Mother Teresa, The Letters
Please contact Randy Mueller, Director of Faith Formation at (651) 696-5454 or
rmueller@nativity-mn.org, for more information.
Yours Faithfully in Christ,
Mrs. Krista Judge (pictured with her husband, Nick)
This post originally appeared in the August 5 parish bulletin.