All are invited to our next open OCIA session, which features a tour of our church this Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Parishioner Dr. Mary Reichardt, St. Thomas professor emeritus, will explain the architecture, stained glass windows and statues, history, and much more.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, or OCIA (formerly RCIA), is the way in which we welcome adults to learn more about the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic.
Although it is primarily the process by which people become full members in the Roman Catholic Church, OCIA welcomes inquirers at all levels of knowledge, faith and intent.
Over a series of meetings involving talks and group discussion, these adults take time to properly discern the exciting possibility of journeying into full communion with the Catholic Church through one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist).
Nativity of Our Lord is one of the most beautiful and intentionally designed churches in our Archdiocese. Come and discover its many incredible and inspiring features.
Don't miss this opportunity. Questions welcome! ALL ARE WELCOME!