Our next Respect Life book discussions will cover Conceived by Science, Thinking Carefully and Compassionately About Infertility and IVF, by Stephanie Gray Connors.
For those who face infertility, is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) an ethical response to that great suffering?
Conceived by Science presents the lived experiences of various people who have struggled to conceive. It also proposes arguments and principles from both a non-religious as well as a Christian perspective.
Our two discussions will be on Tuesday, May 28 at 11:30am in Minneapolis, and Thursday, May 30 at 6pm in Steiner Hall. Both will feature a pot luck meal.
Contact Karen at (612) 964-4522 or karenmccann3@gmail.com to purchase a book for $15, to loan a copy, or for more information.
Learn more about the author at loveunleasheslife.com.