All are invited to two open RCIA sessions to learn more about and grow in our Catholic faith.
Join us March 8 and 22 for a two-part A Walk through the Mass — Exploring the Sacred Liturgy with our pastor, Fr. Patrick Hipwell.
RCIA is Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process or journey, if you will, by which Christians and non-Christians alike seek to enter full communion with Christ’s Catholic Church.
This is a great opportunity to learn about faith in God and his Church along with our RCIA Candidates.
Please also hold the RCIA candidates and their sponsors in your prayers as the candidates move towards full communion with the Catholic Church this Easter Vigil, April 8.
For more information, contact Mahalia Marcelin, Director of Faith Formation and RCIA, at (651) 696-5441 or
See you then!