Please join us once again for the international peaceful prayer movement that is changing and saving lives!
Prayer and love are changing hearts and minds and many precious lives are being saved through the incredible worldwide 40 Days for Life movement.
Please pray for the success of this worldwide campaign!
40 Days for Life | Now through November 5
This worldwide campaign is a determined, peaceful approach, addressing the tragedy of abortion through prayer, fasting, and community outreach. We are joining with neighboring parishes and welcome everyone to join us in this important effort.
We encourage everyone to go and pray at Planned Parenthood on Vandalia Ave. in St. Paul as often as you are able during the campaign, now through November 5.
Adopted Days of Vigil | Monday, October 16 and Wednesday, November 1
Our adopted days for a daily prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood in St. Paul are Monday, October 16 — the feast of St. Gerard Majella — and Wednesday, November 1 — All Saints Day — both from 7am-6pm.
Our goal is to have at least two dedicated prayer volunteers per hour at Planned Parenthood on these days, peacefully praying for all who enter and exit there.
Sign up for an hour or two on our adopted days of prayer at or by contacting Karen McCann at (612) 964-4622 or
Click here to RSVP to Sign Up for an Hour of PrayerClergy-Led Prayer | Sunday, October 22
Finally, we invite you and your family and friends to a clergy-led prayer vigil at the same Planned Parenthood on Sunday, October 22 at 1pm — the feast day of Pope St. John Paul II.