Year-End Giving
As the calendar year nears its end, please help us by fulfilling your 2024 stewardship commitment and/or by providing Nativity of Our Lord with a special year-end gift. Thank you for your generosity!
Christmas Stewardship | Tuesday-Wednesday, Dec. 24-25
We are grateful to our many parishioners and friends who offer a special Christmas donation above and beyond their weekly stewardship contribution. Thank you!
Gifts of Stock and Retirement Distributions
If you would like to give the gift of stock, IRA distributions, or would otherwise like to make our parish a designated beneficiary, please call Director of Development Beth Giese at (651) 696-5430, or Joyce Kotta, parish accounting, at (651) 696-5436 for assistance.
You can also contact the Catholic Community Foundation to learn more about maximizing your charitable giving by calling (651) 389-0300, or visit
Deadlines for Gifting
December 28-29 is the last Sunday offertory collection of the year.
To take advantage of a tax deduction for your 2024 contributions, all financial contributions must be received by the parish office or, if mailed, postmarked on or before Tuesday, December 31.
Anything received (or postmarked) beginning Monday, January 1 will be recorded as a 2025 donation.
Online Giving
We are pleased to offer electronic giving right on our parish website at
The link above will bring up a form to give to our general parish “Stewardship” fund, as well as links to donate to 2nd Collections and other targeted giving options.
Nativity of Our Lord simply could not carry out its mission without our faithful parishioners and generous donors. Thank you!
Catholic Services Appeal
We have reached our 2024 Catholic Services Appeal parish goal, which funds 20 Designated Ministries Archdiocesan-wide. Half of additional donations are returned to the parish to fund our ministries and operations.
If you still wish to donate, envelopes must be postmarked en route for CSA offices by Tuesday, December 31 to be eligible for this Parish Sharing incentive.
Find more information at, or give directly at, marking your parish as Nativity of Our Lord-St. Paul. Thank you!