As we approach the time of stewardship renewal, please continue to prayerfully reflect on Nativity’s theme for this stewardship month: Grateful and Generous. How can we respond to God’s many blessings by gratefully returning our gifts to him?
In today’s Gospel reading of the parable of the ten wedding guests, the wise virgins were careful and thoughtful planners. They brought extra oil for the lamps. The foolish virgins did not, so when they ran low, they had to go to the merchant, and missed their chance to attend the wedding feast. The stewardship lesson in this parable is simple: Through baptism, we are committed to discipleship—a faith-filled kind of life. And that life will not just come about without planning, thoughtfulness and intentionality on our part. We have to decide to use the time, talent, and treasure we’ve been given in grateful and generous ways in order to be prepared to meet the Bridegroom.
In further reflection of this theme, I am so grateful for the generosity of a Nativity family who financed the entire project of replacing the worn, damaged wood on the church’s cross aisle with stone quarry tile. The new quarry tile beautifully matches and complements the other main aisles of the church. The project was undertaken during a very busy time in the church, and I thank each one of you for your patience during the time of construction.