As we enter the month of November, our thoughts naturally turn to the Thanksgiving holiday, the presence of friends and family, and thankfulness for our blessings. So November is a perfect time, too, for thinking about how we can best respond to God with gratefulness and generosity for his many gifts to us. Here at Nativity, November is a time of stewardship renewal, and I ask you to consider the theme, “Grateful and Generous.”
Truly, stewardship is an invitation to live with joy and gratitude for the blessings we have received. Jesus is asking us right now to live a life of gratitude. We do this first by thanking Him and also by loving and serving the people we meet each day. Will you spend time in prayerful reflection in the next few weeks to determine how you can be more Grateful and Generous, in your prayer, participation, and offertory giving at Nativity parish? Thank you for your love of and care for Nativity of Our Lord.
“It is truly right and just…always and everywhere to give you thanks.”
- Preface of the Roman Missal
Next weekend, we’ll have visitors at all our weekend liturgies. Mr. Ed Koerner and his colleagues from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be speaking to us about their apostolate, as the Men’s Club, parish council, and I have been in conversation about introducing a chapter here at Nativity of Our Lord. We see the Society as an excellent complement to the mission of the parish and the culture of our parishioners, as you all take great care to help family, friends, and neighbors in need. For more information about the St. Vincent de Paul Society, visit
Christ’s blessings on your family in the coming week and always.