by Katie Schaitberger, Director of Faith Formation
Nativity of Our Lord is excited to again host a NET Missionary Team beginning Sunday, September 27! Can you help?
The Team of 11 young adults will lead a Confirmation retreat for our 8th grade Faith Formation class, and we are responsible for the team meals.
We are looking for host families to either provide a meal or donate gift cards to local restaurants or grocery stores. We can host the meal at Nativity if needed, or if you are comfortable, you could host the team for a meal at your house.
Teams are considered one household and wear masks when they are in group settings. One team member is gluten-free and another is a vegetarian.
We are particularly in need for the following:
Sunday, September 27: Dinner
Monday, September 28: Lunch and Dinner
Tuesday, September 29: Lunch
Lastly, cash donations are requested for breakfast meals that Nativity will purchase for the team.
Please contact Katie Schaitberger, Director of Faith Formation, if you can help at or (612) 367-7877.
To learn more about NET Ministries, visit