This summer, Deacon Matthew Northenscold will be serving at Nativity parish from June 1 through August 15. Deacon Matthew is from Maple Lake, MN, where he began to sense that God might be calling him to the priesthood starting in high school. So after
graduation, he entered the St. John Vianney College Seminary on the campus of the University of St. Thomas.
After four years of growth and deepening of the call, he moved over to the Saint Paul Seminary to continue his studies. He has now completed three of his four years studying theology there and was just ordained a deacon year May 2. This fall, he will return to school for one more year of studies before ordination to the priesthood in the spring of 2016.
Please join me in welcoming Deacon Matthew!
This article was originally published in the May 31, 2015 edition of the Nativity parish bulletin.