All are invited to come learn and consider a new volunteer liturgy role at Nativity of Our Lord withFr. John Paul Erickson, Parochial Vicar:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
October 7, 6-7pm
October 12, 9-10am
Lectors (Readers)
October 14, 6-7pm
October 19, 9-10am
November 4, 6-7pm
November 9, 9-10am
We would like all volunteers who wish to serve in the upcoming liturgical year — whether you're brand new or a longtime veteran — to be (re-)trained to learn the latest standards from Fr. Erickson, our new Director of Liturgy.
Click here to register, or contact Sonny Tengblad, Volunteer Coordinator, at for more information.
Still have questions? Check out some FAQs below...
What is the time commitment for liturgical volunteering?
The time commitment is based fully on your preferences. You can serve on holidays, once a month, or several times a week! The most common choices are once a month, twice a month, or once a week, but it's fully up to you.
You can also choose whether you want to serve for daily Masses or Lord's Day Masses, or both. The schedule is created using an online software that allows you to enter dates you're unavailable, or request a sub if something comes up last minute.
You can also specify if you always want to be scheduled with your family, so you and your spouse aren't scheduled on different weekends.
Don't let concerns over the time commitment prevent you from being trained!
Can I be trained in multiple roles?
Yes, please! We love cross-training! It is particularly recommended that if you currently serve as an usher or a lector you also get trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, as this is the role we need need the most volunteers for each Sunday.
Is it true that we plan to resume receiving the Blood of Christ at Mass?
Yes, if we can find enough volunteers to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The plan is to start with the Sunday 11am Mass and see if we have enough volunteer participation to sustain it, and hopefully expand it to other Masses. Your commitment to volunteer will help a lot in this effort.
Why do I need training to be a greeter?
Usher/greeters do several important things during Mass beyond greeting people as they enter the church. They are responsible for setting out worship aids and preparing the church for Mass, collecting the offering, handing out bulletins, and checking the pews after Mass to gather worship aids or left behind items.
Also, we want to reincorporate bringing up the gifts during Mass, and ushers will be responsible for choosing gift bearers from among the parishioners.
I've been serving for a long time. Do I really need to get retrained?
Please come if you are able, to help out and answer questions for the first timers. If you're not able to attend, we understand. Instead, please set up a time to meet with the volunteer coordinator, Sonny Tengblad (, in the parish office to update your scheduling preferences and get briefed on the changes.
If you don't update your scheduling preferences at one of the training sessions or at the office, we will not be able to schedule you in the upcoming year.
I can't commit right now. When will the next training be held?