Beginning next week, we will return to an Adoration schedule requiring hourly commitments to better ensure continuous coverage. Our projected Adoration schedule to start is as follows, and we will expand as we're able:
Tuesdays, 9am-10pm
Fridays, 9am-10pm
Saturdays, 6-10pm
Sundays, 6-10pm
(Please note the church will remain unlocked on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for personal prayer.)
We are asking for re-commitments from our paused Adoration schedule (from pre-COVID, or circa March 15, 2020), as well as new commitments. In the meantime, we have cleared the above hours in our AdorationPro online schedule.
If you would like to commit (or re-commit) to one of the hours in the time slots listed above, please visit and click "Weekly Commitment." You'll then be able to select a new time slot(s). Empty slots will be noted with gray boxes and represent our greatest need for coverage. Ideally, we'll have at least two commitments per hour slot.
Committed Adorers are asked to find a substitute when needed, and to communicate with other affected adorers when there is an unavoidable lapse.
If you do not wish to commit at this time, no action is necessary. You are, of course, welcome to commit again in the future, as well as to continue to visit Adoration on an ad-hoc basis.
Nativity of Our Lord is committed to increased daily sanitation procedures and has moved Adoration to the main church to provide ample spacing between Adorers. Even so, we know there is an inherent risk in visiting our church during this time.
Please feel no obligation to commit to an hour during this ongoing pandemic, especially if you are of advanced age or otherwise particularly vulnerable. We look forward to welcoming all our Adorers back when it is safe to do so.
Thank you for your consideration! Please contact Isaac Huss (, 651-696-5425) or Jim McQuillan (, 763-746-8244) if you have any questions.